Birds, bees, flowers, fat caps. Warmer weather equals more new art on the streets – including new artists whose work you don’t recognize.
Also we know its spring because the email box is getting daily requests from soon-to-be-visiting or just arrived artists requesting that we help procure them a wall to paint. We stopped doing that a while ago, with the occasional rare exception.
Violent Rabbit (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Naturally you understand that many out-of-town Street Artists make their long dreamed of journey to NYC for the first time hoping to “get up” in New York City. It is a rite of passage and a badge of pride to be recounted in multiple stories from this day on.
This week we noticed this cartoon character from an artist whose signature we don’t recognize, Violent Rabbit and we think it is either a new arrival or a passing-through tourist on spraycation.
Violent Rabbit (photo © Jaime Rojo)
If you know the artist’s name or nom de plume please help – can’t read the tag.
UPDATE: Violent Rabbit is the artist’s name. Hailing from France.
Look closely and you’ll see that cartoon character with a bit of an attitude is hand made, hand painted and then wheat-pasted on the wall. You’ll also notice that the artist made it his or her mission to go directly over graffiti in the process for at least on these four pieces that we found, sort of using it for a backdrop. Graffiti writers and artists whose work is “gone over” like that usually don’t give it a warm welcome to this so we’ll see how long these new pieces remain.
Ah, Spring!
Violent Rabbit (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Violent Rabbit (photo © Jaime Rojo)
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