Remember when we had our big group show in 2009 called “Crush”? It was the first time Aakash Nihalani did a three-dimensional piece on a backing – instead of simply applying it to a wall – effectively doing his first free-standing gallery piece.
The stylized pink tape and mirrored phallus went along with our street lust theme and it reflected the stuff he was doing on the street at that time; pulling out geometry and dimension from our every day surroundings right before our eyes. Newly graduated from college the previous year, Aakash brought his piece to us and stuck it to the wall with – more tape.
Aakash Nihalani. Rome. April 2014. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Five years later Aakash is an international artist and is having his first Italian solo show at Wunderkammern entitled “Vantage”. Today we take a look at a new wall he just completed in Rome in time for tonight’s opening, part of a series that has included Dan Witz from Brooklyn, Rero from Paris, Agostino Iacurci from Rome, and will be finished after Aakash by Jef Aérosol.
The new piece utilizes the fluorescent color and geometric three-dimensionalist vernacular that has characterized his work from the beginning and truly sets him apart from others who originated from the New York street art scene.
Aakash Nihalani. Rome. April 2014. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Aakash Nihalani. Rome. April 2014. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Aakash Nihalani. Rome. April 2014. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Aakash Nihalani. Rome. April 2014. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
For more on the show at Wunderkammern please click HERE.
Aakash Nihalani’s exhibition “Vantage” opens today at Wunderkammern Gallery in Rome. Click HERE for further details.
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