Street Artist and mural painter Gola Hundun sends us images from this new wall on a rooftop terrace in Kazakhstan and of himself in the nude to celebrate it. “The work represents for me the three worlds,” he says to describe the piece he completed for the Almaty festival called Artbat.
With interweaving symbols that emblematize what could be a diagram for a belief system, Gola says that within it are depicted the Earth, the Cosmos, and the human soul. According to his understanding of these matters there will be a return to nature in our future, and a new hope.
Happy Saturday.
Göla. Artbat Festival in Almaty, Kazakhstan. October, 2013. (photo © Ivan Bessedin)
Göla. Artbat Festival in Almaty, Kazakhstan. October, 2013. (photo © Ivan Bessedin)
Göla. Artbat Festival in Almaty, Kazakhstan. October, 2013. (photo © Ivan Bessedin)
Göla. Artbat Festival in Almaty, Kazakhstan. October, 2013. (photo © Ivan Bessedin)
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