Remember when your dad came home and found you drawing on the hallway wall with your markers? That was a great day, right?
British artist Daniel van der Noon says he likes to travel a lot and see new cities, so maybe that explains why he can’t stop drawing them in all their meticulous complexity across walls, windows, and a variety of other surfaces. At this years Trailerpark Festival in Copenhagen, van der Noon spent hours on an orange wall while music fans poured in and milled about the grounds in search of bands like Micachu, Turboweekend, and When Saints Go Machine. “He specializes in city-scapes which he draws with poscas – and only poscas,” says photographer Henrik Haven, who offers these exclusive shots of the artist drawing his lengthy cityscapes, towers, and the manmade skylines that come largely from his imagination.
Daniel van der Noon. Trailerpark Festival. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Trailerpark Festival. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Trailerpark Festival. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Trailerpark Festival. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Trailerpark Festival. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Trailerpark Festival. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Trailerpark Festival. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
As if to underline with a fine marker the point that he can’t stop drawing, we include a post-party stop for the artist at a private home, where he convinced the owner that they needed a diagonal city climbing up the stairwell.
Daniel van der Noon. Indoor Installation. Private home. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Indoor Installation. Private home. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Indoor Installation. Private home. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Indoor Installation. Private home. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Indoor Installation. Private home. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Indoor Installation. Private home. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
Daniel van der Noon. Indoor Installation. Private home. Copenhagen 2013. (photo © Henrik Haven)
When Saints Go Machine (Live)
Micachu and the Shapes
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