Maoma and Bortusk Leer
Saturday 8th of June we have a BIG OPENING of the duo show of MAOMA & BORTUSK LEER. opening at 15:00
Bortusk Leer has arrived in Amsterdam!!
the 5,6 and 7 october
Fresh off the back of solo shows in London and Milan. The worlds favorite top hat wearing, cane twirling, comedy loving Slovenian, is set to shake up the Amsterdam Street art scene.
Famed for pasting his bright coloured, infantile monsters on walls throughout the world. As well as the Childrens BBC Street monsters series.
This three day – Pop-up show sees Bortusk return with a mix up of Paintings, Sculptures and indefinable Artworks that are designed to perform one simple function…
To make you Smile!
Duo exhibitio of MAOMA & Bortusk Leer
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