A walk through the neglected and crumbling grime-caked subway stations of New York City, with their epically peeling paint and the smell of smeared human feces rushing you through hallways to your next train, can be a nauseating and dispiriting. Mayors come and go, but rats and garbage remain, helping New York to “keep it real”.
Poster Boy (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Thankfully, despite continually rising Metrocard rates you are now treated to ever more advertisements on ever more walls, and the occasional ad-remixing prankster appears to keep things in focus, or disarray. You may not have money for the admission to museums, but here you can take in this publicly curated interactive aspect of the expanding commercial gallery, and even affect the conversation.
In the connecting walkway between 6th and 7th Avenue on 14th Street you can usually hear some good music because of the enclosed reverberating tunnel effect that is free of of train disruption. Right now on display are a series of promotional posters for another TV program involving attractive people judging others on their attractiveness.
In this locally targeted remix of the campaign, a blade-wielding passerby has given them a facelift. It’s a simple matter of switching selected portions of sticky vinyl, a technique that was popularized by a Street Artist/collective named Posterboy a couple of years ago. Sometimes it is effective. Other times, it fails. Either way, it catches your eye as you hold your nose.
Poster Boy (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Poster Boy (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Poster Boy (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Poster Boy (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Poster Boy (photo © Jaime Rojo)
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