Mighty Tankaka Gallery Presents: “Vis-á-Vis” A group exhibition. (Brooklyn, NYC)

Mighty Tanaka presents:
Featuring the artwork of Tony DePew, Toofly & Quelbeast

Everyone is unique. From the moment we take our first breath to the moment we take our last, there resides a remarkable spark of individuality that exists in each and every one of us. The ways in which we each choose to outwardly express ourselves may vary greatly, yet we all must embrace the differences that separate us all. It’s been said that the eyes are the gateway to the soul, however, it is the expressions of the face that communicate another’s thoughts and desires. Therein lies the magic of portraits, a method that provides a visual communication with the subject, who has been captured within a moment in time. The viewer has the unique opportunity to study those feelings and emotions which have been forever captured on the face of the subject. Mighty Tanaka is pleased to bring you our next show, Vis-á-Vis, featuring the artwork of Tony DePew, Toofly & Quelbeast. Each artist represents a different interpretation of the way they choose to create portrait work.

Mighty Tanaka presents: Vis-á-Vis, featuring Tony DePew, Toofly & Quelbeast