We’re counting down the last 12 days of 2012 with Street Art photos chosen by BSA readers. Each one was nominated because it has special meaning to a reader or is simply a great photograph from 2012 that they think is great. Our sincere thanks to everyone who shared their favorite images.
Our seventh entry comes from photographer Robin Pope and it was nominated by Anne Trotman; a large image of a down-on-his-luck fella by Brooklyn collective Faile that says, “I Used to Be Worth Something.” The figure sits on a curb with his head in his hands and the New York skyline behind him, and it became one of the most photographed pieces this year – perhaps because the ever-more rough economy in New York has become so challenging and even frightening to average and poor New Yorkers. Trotman says this image on Wythe Street, in Williamsburg, Brooklyn was taken “on one of the only days of snow in 2012.”
Faile “I Used to be Worth Something” (photo © Robin Pope)
For more Street Art shots and his other photography by Robin Pope visit his Flickr HERE.
Check out the BSA Images of 2012 video here.
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