Kids Eat For Free
What: Kids Eat for Free
When: Thursday December 13, 2012 from 6 to 10pm
Where: The Tender Trap 245 South 1st street between Roebling and Havemeyer
How much: FREE
On Thursday December 13, 2012 The Superior Bugout presents the opening night of “Kids Eat for Free” with artwork from North Carolina’s infamous NGC crew. Artists FISHGLUE, MTN, RODA and Thomas Bachman share their photos, sculptures, and diatribes of tales from their travels and mischief. Much of the work appeared in Miles Michaels’ 1480 Gallery in Detroit, MI earlier this year in August, and has now traveled with additional new work to Brooklyn.
The artists’ work documents the past Summer, traveling across America’s northeast corridor, southern and mid-western states and New York City stealing freight train rides and paint. Along the way they’ve reworked the visual landscapes of the towns they passed through with colorful signage, roller pieces, and urban scrawlings. The show will be on display throughout the new year.
Accompanying the artwork will be an experimental sound set with MIND DETRGNT BKF playing eclectic samples and sounds from his vast collection of tape cassettes.
The Superior Bugout seeks to bring a synergy of sight and sound, combining visual elements of the streets with contemporary sound visionaries. The party aesthetic comes from Brooklyn based multimedia artist Andrew H. Shirley, who’s work “Fuck Bike #001” is currently on display in the window of The Museum of Sex in New York City.
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