Wooster Street Social Club and Drago are pleased to announce the exhibition and book launch for Chris Stain’s latest project and Drago’s newest title Long Story Short – A Collection of Inspiration, at the Wooster Street Social Club on Wednesday, March 14th, 2012, from 8-11pm. The exhibition will show all new work that explores two perspectives of intercity life; that from the internal struggles of the individual as well as the circumstantial elements to which that life subscribes. Both the exhibition and the book present an autobiographical reflection of the artist’s life through a collection of writings, letters, photographs, memorabilia, and artwork that illuminate a lifetime of experience that is the source of inspiration for Chris’ poignant imagery. Chris Stain’s subject matter has been compared to themes echoed in the American Social Realist movement of the 1930s and 40s. More importantly, however, Chris’s work is a communication of things that are relevant to him, the things that he sees everyday and the things that most people tend to, or try to, ignore. His work is marked by a strong social tinge and is filled with the adversity and diversity that one faces in the intercity. This visual narrative of social sufferance explores not only his personal architecture of experience, emotion, and inspiration, but shares the untold tales of the overlooked and the left behind. Despite being viewed by many as political statements, Chris Stain’s work is more than that. It is an honest and direct presentation of the basic levels of humanity, for better or for worse, what it means to be human and to treat others with an elemental sense of decency. The balance of today’s delicate social architecture bears the weight of many who feel threatened by social and economic injustice. These sentiments run high as a result of the events inspired by the Occupy movement, which have made Chris’s work feel that much more relevant in contemporary society.
The opening reception for Chris Stain’s Long Story Short will begin at 8pm on Wednesday, March 14th. The evening will include a slideshow presentation and round table discussion on art and social activism lead by Josh Macphee of Just Seeds, an interactive screen printing demonstration by Bushwick Print Lab, a live DJ set performed by Billy Mode, catering provided by Laurel Bell, and refreshments from Brooklyn Brewery. The slideshow will begin promptly at 9pm with discussion and Q&A to follow. Long Story Short – A Collection of Inspiration will be available for purchase during the event as well as throughout the run of the exhibition (through April 15th). You may also order Long Story Short through Drago’s website, www.dragolab.com. Chris Stain will be in attendance during the opening to sign copies of the book.
About the Artist
Chris Stain grew up writing Graffiti in Baltimore, MD in the mid 1980’s. Through printmaking in high school he adapted stenciling techniques, which later led to his work in street stencils and urban contemporary art. Chris currently teaches art in New York City and is pursuing a BA in Art Education.
About the DRAGO
Drago has been involved in the urban street movement for over a decade as an international think-tank for the creative class, working in unison with artists to realize projects with lasting cultural impacts. Drago identifies and promotes artists, develops communication projects, publishes books, and stages exhibitions and events. The street represents today’s leading visual and cultural aesthetic and the forefront of social resistance. Drago embodies and promotes this System of Independent Culture, sic!
About Wooster Street Social Club
Wooster Street Social Club is a tattoo studio, art gallery, and event space that plays host to TLC’s reality show NY Ink. It is an environment where art, culture, media, commerce, and entertainment live together and can be understood as complementary rather than mutually exclusive.
Through a series of art shows, activities, lectures, tastings, and large-scale events, Wooster Street Social Club has established itself as an ever-changing nexus of NYC’s creative community. The bottom line is to bring something new to the table, a forum for creativity, and something that is uniquely New York.
Wooster Street Social Club ⏐ 43 Wooster Street, New York, NY 10013⏐ 646.545.3300 info@woostersocial.com ⏐ www.woostersocial.com
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