#5 Miss Bugs: 12 Wishes for 2012

For twelve days we’re presenting twelve wishes for 2012 as told by an alternating roster of artists and BSA readers, in no particular order. Together, they are a tiny snapshot of the people who are part of the street art scene around the world today. Individually, each adds their personal expression of hope for tomorrow.

Today’s wish comes from Miss Bugs, an English Street Art duo who blew up the joint this summer with easily the most riveting show we saw this year at Bed Stuys’ own Brooklynite Gallery (left). Graphic by nature, and splendidly anonymous, Miss Bugs surreally turns your head and helps you question what you are seeing when you are on the street. And they continue the practice with their submission for 12 Wishes for 2012.

Miss Bugs sends this photo, entitled “The Great Beyond,” taken “near where we grew up in a place called Shirehampton, a suburb of Bristol.”  Their wish for 2012?

“To make more time for old friends”

Image © Miss Bugs

Read more with BSA and Miss Bugs in 2011 here:

Miss Bugs “Back Talk” Conversation

Miss Bugs in Brooklyn: Girls, Sex and a Car Crash in the Forest

Miss Bugs Top Feature on Huffpost ARTS Today