Heat Beaten
Well it’s been hot… DAMN HOT! The heat has beaten us yet again. But the summer is about to start winding down into fall, and to the eventual cold grip of winter. So in celebration… or acceptance… of this annual de-swelter we are hosting a multimedia group show with 9 great artists hailing from New York and Philadelphia. With work ranging from painting, printmaking, sculpture and installation, as well as murals painted directly on the gallery walls. The show will be a great farewell to the hot summer and a welcome mat for the cool autumn season.
Please join us for:
“Heat Beaten”
A summer’s end art show
Saturday, Sept. 10th
opening 7-11pm
Abby Goodman
El Hase
Ellis G
John Skibo
Noah Sparkes
Sofia Maldonado
W. Thomas Porter
PANDEMIC gallery
37 Broadway btwn Kent and Wythe
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Tues.-Fri. 11-6pm
Sat. & Sun. 12-7pm
closed Monday
L train to Bedford ave, J train to Marcy ave, or Q59 bus to Broadway/Wythe
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