Here’s your Fun Friday Menu (all entrees come with a slice of pepperoni pizza)
1. New Film Opening About Toynbee Tiles – Ticket Giveaway
2. CYCLE Crew : “We Never Die”
3. Street Art Saved My Life: 39 New York Stories
4. That Was FUN! “The Grassy Lot” Opening
5. 8 Hours in Brooklyn – VERY COOL SLO MO, BRO
6. There’s a Sucker Born Every Minute: Re-creating the Cardiff Giant by Ty Marshal
7. Narcelio Grud “Sonic Spray” By Yeah
New Film Opening About Toynbee Tiles – Ticket Giveaway
“Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles”
Opening in NYC at the IFC Center on Friday 09/02,.the film is about the Toynbee Tiles and an unlikely team that tracks down the mystery’s source for the better part of a decade. It won Best Documentary Directing award at this years’ Sundance Film Festival so it’s got cred.
Win Tickets To Opening Night! First person to send an email to with BSA in the subject line gets a pair of tickets for opening night this film by Jon Foy. Second person will get tickets to any night during the run.
CYCLE Crew : “We Never Die”
Photo © Carlos Gonzalez
This is about reincarnation, right? Check out Design Matters, which opened a show by CYCLE crew last night to find out.
CYRCLE "We Never Die" by Adolfo J Lara
For more information about this show click on the link below:
Street Art Saved My Life: 39 New York Stories
Now in it’s 3rd smashing week, this show in Venice has been getting lots of great visitors and conversations, mostly because the participating artists put so much of themselves into this densely layered show.
Names you know, and others you don’t – but you may hear more about in the future, all telling their New York Stories.
From left to right: Clown Soldier, EMA, Sweet Toof, Kid Acne, Nick Walker and Skewville. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
From left to right: Creepy, How & Nosm, White Cocoa and Know Hope. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
For more information about this show click on the link below:
That Was FUN! “The Grassy Lot” Opening
Congratulations to Joe Franquinha and Liza and Crest Arts for putting together a very successful community-feeling event on the grassy lot last night. A LOT of people, a LOT of art, a LOT of fun conversations. And it didn’t rain! (Even though Joe was prepared for that too) Thanks to Keith Schweitzer of MaNY and all the artists who participated. Best guest we met? Joe’s mom, who raised her boy right.
Here’s a fun video Keith made:
8 Hours in Brooklyn – VERY COOL SLO MO, BRO
Can you spot the big portrait by a street artist that has been featured on BSA in this video?
There’s a Sucker Born Every Minute: Re-creating the Cardiff Giant by Ty Marshal
Narcelio Grud “Sonic Spray” By Yeah
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