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Pop Culture at Citric Festival in Torreblanca, Spain
Celebrity, photorealism, illustration, fantasy, spectacle. These have always been part of popular art culture and have had an increasingly strong representation in Street Art culture, particularly in ...
Celebrity, photorealism, illustration, fantasy, spectacle. These have always been part of popular art culture and have had an increasingly strong representation in Street Art culture, particularly in ...
BSA Images Of The Week: 10.30.16
We haven't had such a frightening Halloween in years! - and we know we speak for many readers as well while we all look at the monstrous tabloid TV parade that is scaring the electorate. Boo! L...
We haven't had such a frightening Halloween in years! - and we know we speak for many readers as well while we all look at the monstrous tabloid TV parade that is scaring the electorate. Boo! L...
Tristan Eaton and Summer "Intermission" on the Bowery/Houston Wall
And now its time for a mid-year intermission to pause and reflect upon the events that have happened in the first act. We've had plenty of treachery, intrigue, jailbirds and back alley suspense. Clear...
And now its time for a mid-year intermission to pause and reflect upon the events that have happened in the first act. We've had plenty of treachery, intrigue, jailbirds and back alley suspense. Clear...
Tunisian Mural Miracle: An Outdoor Museum and Archive of These Times
Recently we brought you coverage of Shepard Fairey's newest work for the Djerbahood project on the island of Hara Sghira Er Riadh in Tunisia. A gradually-building project curated over the last decade...
Recently we brought you coverage of Shepard Fairey's newest work for the Djerbahood project on the island of Hara Sghira Er Riadh in Tunisia. A gradually-building project curated over the last decade...
BSA Images Of The Week: 08.28.16
"Back in the USSR" comes to mind as we touched down in Moscow yesterday to see and speak with the 60+ Street Artists who are creating this impressive 2nd Street Art biennale "Artmossphere" just ...
"Back in the USSR" comes to mind as we touched down in Moscow yesterday to see and speak with the 60+ Street Artists who are creating this impressive 2nd Street Art biennale "Artmossphere" just ...