It happens on a roof in LA, in a back alley. El Mac and Augustine Kofie, two gifted graff writers, street artists, fine artists, balanced assuredly on ledges and ladders, cans in hand and collaborating on a new piece. It’s a dreamlike sequence of scaling and balancing, backing away and re-approaching, scanning the sky as day folds into night and looking back at the bricked canvas to see a gentle babe gazing upward from an abstract future past.
El Mac. Augustine Kofie. (photo © Todd Mazer)
Photographer and videographer Todd Mazer, a regular contributor to BSA, circled and treaded nimbly and quietly in panther-like pursuit of the right screen capture while the artists worked. Over time, perched camera in hand, he documents the dexterous and purposeful movement and focus of two big cats on the top of their game. And roof.
“For me I feel like that’s as good as it gets,” says Mazer.
El Mac. Augustine Kofie. (photo © Todd Mazer)
El Mac. Augustine Kofie. (photo © Todd Mazer)
El Mac. Augustine Kofie. (photo © Todd Mazer)
El Mac. Augustine Kofie. (photo © Todd Mazer)
El Mac. Augustine Kofie. (photo © Todd Mazer)
El Mac. Augustine Kofie. (photo © Todd Mazer)
El Mac. (photo © Todd Mazer)
Augustine Kofie. (photo © Todd Mazer)
Brick: You’ll make out fine. Your kind always does.
Maggie: Oh, I’m more determined than you think. I’ll win all right.
Brick: Win what? What is, uh, the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof?
Maggie: Just stayin’ on it, I guess. As long as she can. *
El Mac. Augustine Kofie. (photo © Todd Mazer)
Read our interview with Augustine Kofie with photos by Todd Mazer here:
The piece was created behind 33third in Los Angeles A Graff and Street Art supply store in conjunction with:
The Street Cred Art show in Pasadena
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