All Eyes on the Streets of Egypt
Image from his Twitpic © Ahmed Ramadan
How can you not be riveted to Al Jazeera online and Twitter and Facebook and Youtube right now as a purely people-powered movement in the streets of major cities all over Egypt is working to dislodge their president? Even after the government shut down the internet in the most comprehensive way in history, Egyptians have taken to the streets to reassert their right to self-determination.
Mint&Serf & BSA @ District 36 Tonight
Joe Iurato and Shai Dahan @ Vincent Michael Gallery in Philadelphia
Exhibition Details
What: Natural Selections & Salvation: Featuring New Works from Shai Dahan and Joe Iurato
Where: Vincent Michael Gallery
1050 N. Hancock St. Suite #63 Philadelphia, PA 19123
When: Exhibit runs February 4th thru February 25th
Opening Reception Friday, February 4th 7pm – 10pm
Conor Harrington in Tel Aviv (VIDEO)
Crossing Lines is a short film that documents Irish artist Conor Harrington’s trip to Tel Aviv, Israel and Bethleham, Palestine in May 2010.
Chris from RWK has a brand New Website
Check it out!
Henry Rollin is 50! Shepard Slips One In
Keep your eyes open today for a new print release celebrating American Hardcore superstar and punk poet laureate Henry Rollins. Dude is a far cry from the pretty candy coated mummification of punk that ensued as it became a commercialized lifestyle. This is the first of a two part release by Obey celebrating the quest for truth that fires inside Henry.
18 x 24 Screen Print, Signed and Numbered Edition of 700.
Release Date: 2/4/11
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