Mighty Tanaka presents:
Cimmerian Shade
Featuring the artwork of Katie Decker, FARO, Hellbent, Marlo Marquise, John McGarity, Don Pablo Pedro and Ellen Stagg
Beyond the lights, glitz and glamour of New York City resides an artistic underworld that resonates in the shadows of this great metropolis. This creative element encompasses many disciplines and methodologies, demonstrating a wide range of artistic interpretation. Cimmerian Shade, the latest show from Mighty Tanaka, highlights a darker side of art for the witching month of October. Featuring the artwork of Katie Decker, FARO, Hellbent, Marlo Marquise, John McGarity, Don Pablo Pedro and Ellen Stagg, they each provide their own unique vision from the shadows.
Dark art is a term that applies to the ghosted image of a thought or an idea that transcends the ubiquitous and exists within a realm all its own. Neither wicked nor nefarious, this artistic expression thrives in a world beyond that of typical society, providing an outlet for our altered obsessions. From the overt to the subtle, Cimmerian Shade offers a glimpse behind the veil into a world overlooked by everyday exploration.
With an arsenal of inspiration at their disposal, the artists provide a personal interpretation of life and experiences into their artwork. Through a variety of mediums spanning photography to woodcarvings, carbon transfers to oil paint; Cimmerian Shade exhibits a plethora of methods that translate well for both home and gallery.
Friday, October 15th, 2010
(Show closes November 5, 2010)
68 Jay St., Suite 416 (F Train to York St.)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Hours: M-F 12:30PM to 7PM, weekends by appointment
Office: 718.596.8781
Email: alex@mightytanaka.com
Web: http://www.mightytanaka.com
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