Logan Hicks
Logan Hicks (US, New York)
Opening June 10th, from 6pm
Supported by Malibu
Solo show June 10 – July 3
Logan Hicks lives in New York and works within the artistic pool of Brooklyn. His relationship to the city is passionate and his fascination has remained unchanged over time. That led him to keep photographing facades, streets, subway tunnels he reproduces through so hyperreal.istic stencils. He is a pioneer in this field, he has created without being emulated but never equaled.
Today, he develops a new very graphic direction. His new works are going towards the treatment of more pronounced lines, with a smoothness and clarity unrivaled in the world of stencil art, as if the tool did not count anymore.
With a career spanning more than ten years, Logan Hicks has emerged as one of the most important artist in the international street art scene.
Galerie Itinerrance
7 bis, rue René Goscinny
75013 Paris
M° Bibliothèque François Miterrand
-- Galerie Itinerrance 7bis, rue René Goscinny - 75013 Paris M° Bibliothèque F.Mitterrand du mercredi au samedi de 14h à 19h http://itinerrance.fr Samantha Longhi Directrice artistique 00 33 6 58 05 56 01 samantha@itinerrance.fr
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