“I Want My Ninja Turtles, and Turn Mommy’s Lights Back On!”
RUN DMC puts BSA in the Holiday Spirit, yo.
MOMO at Nelly Duff

- A wheat-pasted fixture on construction sites (usually overhead) in Brooklyn for many years, Momo’s bright geometric overlayed shapes are understated and mute somehow. They don’t seem to have any agenda in their cheerful modernist abstract sort of way. Now Momo is offering some on the Nelly Duff website.- just click the pic and check them out.

New York Holiday Sightssssss 2009
If you are not from this city, you may not have an opportunity to just walk the streets and see the lights, smell the smells, get yelled at for being in my f*&king way! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, it’s the holiday spirit, peeeepul!
This guy caught NYC at an exciting time of year and made a pretty good collection of the things you’ll see if you were a tourist in ’09. It includes Rockefeller Center, Madison Square Garden, Macy’s windows, Radio City Music Hall, Lord & Taylor Windows, Saks Fifth Avenue windows and light show, Fuse, Sixth Avenue, Downtown Manhattan, Time Warner Center, Empire State Building, The UNICEF Snowflake, JAF Station Post Office, Grand Central Terminal, Times Square and the Haydenettes Skating Team. Warning: In this video there are no street-walkers, crackheads, or homeless shelters….
TrustoCorp Sign Sighting
Bells are Ringing in My Ears!
Free Print of Manhattan from Jailbreak!
This isn’t holiday related, but I still feel a little warm and fuzzy at the end.
Don’t ask me who Casio is, I’ve never heard of them, but this video is strangely futuristic, low-fi, and even romantic at the end with the flocks of birds. People have been taking pictures of these birds that swarm around over certain buildings at dusk in Brooklyn for years. It looks like it is shot around Brooklyn with a cell phone.
They say it was filmed with a vhs-c and dubbed online with a webcam. Help me out, people, that was English right? Okay I know Casio is the synth, so don’t hit me, but the video portion, dunno. All I know is, you don’t need the latest hi-tech gadgetry to make cool things. Also, it is mercifully short for todays’ short attention spans.
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