In stark black and white, you can only imagine the experiences that Armsrock is drawing. Hopefully, only in your imagination, in some cases. (photo Jaime Rojo)
Chris Stain talks about the variety of techniques he’s using, including a relatively new one he borrowed from Armsrock,
“Yeah, basically, the gallery told us that in order for me to use spray paint to do the installation I needed to contact the tenant who lives above the gallery because the fumes will rise up to their apartment. I thought that would slow me down and I remembered that last year when Armsrock and I worked together that he was using these oil pastels, crayons. And I tried that out last year when I was in Norway and I liked it. I didn’t really explore it like I wanted to so I figured, “What the hell”, I’ll do it for this show because it will tie-in more with what he is doing with charcoal and watercolor. Spray paint can be rather bold and striking, whereas his work is more softer looking. So I think it worked out well and I liked it. I like the softness of it. It’s more hands-on drawing… you’re in direct contact with the wall . ”
Instead of solo shows, Armsrock said that they each wanted to do a two-person show,
“Basically because it is more fun and it makes it a little easier going. We’re not often drawing on each other’s things but there’s constantly this talk going back and forth.”, Armsrock