Thinkspace is proud to present:
ModArt – A Celebration of 20 Issues & All That Lay Ahead
August 14th – September 4th
Opening Reception: Fri, August 14th, 7-11PM
(Los Angeles, CA) Thinkspace is proud to present a very special group show which is being curated by the good folks from ModArt magazine out of Europe. The show helps to celebrate the release of ModArt’s 20th issue and a switch to a new quarterly book-based format. This is going to be one visually arresting show featuring a vast array of artists from around the globe.
UK based Mr. Jago will be the featured artist alongside a group show featuring works from an international lineup consisting of Ado Jahic, Bo130, Brooke Reidt, Chris Bourke, Christopher Lambert, Dave The Chimp, El Gato Chimney, Faith 47, Galo, Guillaume Desmarets, Jon Bugerman, KuKula, Laundry and Limbo, Microbo, Morcky, SheOne, Stefan Strumbel, Stephen Smith (aka Neasden Control Centre), Tim Biskup, Vincent Skoglund, Will Barras, & more
The folks from ModArt will be in town, so please plan to come through and help us properly welcome them to Los Angeles and offer them congratulations on fighting the good fight for the new contemporary movement over in Europe and beyond.
Mr. Jago (featured artist):
Bristol Based Mr. Jago, pioneer of the doodle, is a founding member of the Scrawl Collective and a veteran in the street art movement and much respected among his peers.
Growing up in a small town, Jago’s interests lie in art and design with influences ranging from classic Marvel comics to graffiti and hip-hop culture. These influences have helped to forge his unique freehand style and distinct color palette.
His work has shown the world over, including such established galleries as Stolen Space (UK), The Don Gallery (Italy), Gallery 1988 (Los Angeles), Space Junk (France), Opus Underground (UK), Compound Gallery (Portland), Scion Installation LA (Los Angeles), Nelly Duff (UK), Lazy Dog (France), and has taken part in such high profile events as Brave Art (Canada) and Artists 11 @ Bonhams (UK) plus numerous live painting events and exhibitions the world over as part of the Scrawl Collective.
Artist website:
Scrawl Collective website:
Artist websites for those in the group show portion of the exhibit:
Ado Jahic –
Bo130 –
Brooke Reidt –
Chris Bourke –
Christophe Lambert –
Dave The Chimp –
El Gato Chimney –
Faith 47 –
Galo –
Guillaume Desmarets –
Jon Burgerman –
KuKula –
Laundry and Limbo
Microbo –
Morcky –
SheOne –
Stefan Strumbel –
Stephen Smith (aka Neasden Control Centre) –
Tim Biskup –
Vincent Skoglund –
Will Barras –
PLUS some surprise guests TBA
ModArt Magazine –
No New Enemies –
‘Sneak Peek’ of works from Mr. Jago and others featured this August:
4210 Santa Monica Blvd. – Los Angeles, CA 90029 – Tel: 323.913.3375
Thursday thru Sunday
1 p.m. – 6 p.m. (or by appointment)
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