GAIA in Chicago Tonight
If you blow into Chicago this weekend check out New York Street Artist GAIA’s solo show at Maxwell Colette Gallery, “Resplendent Semblance”
(photo courtesy © of the gallery)
To read more details about the show, time and location click on the link below:
Gaia at work on “Resplendent Semblance” (photos courtesy © of the gallery)
Celebrate the Rockin Life of Liz Taylor
London Police and David Choe at Eatern District Tomorrow
VIDEO Show at Eastern District in Bushwick Saturday
And if you are in New York this Saturday head over to Eastern District for an Art and Video installation featuring original works by David Choe, The London Police, Franki Chan, Cherly Dunn, Gluekit, Matt Goldman, Cody Hudson & Jared Eberhardt, Mackie Osborne, Souther Salazar, and SSUR
Pop Plus Punk Sunday with Exit Art show at Littlefield in GOWANUS
This Sunday head over to Brooklyn’s Gowanus section for Exit Art’s Pop Art Explosion. A fun group show and punk music featuring works by Street Artists Tip Toe and Pork among others.
Click on the link below to learn more details, time and location of the show;
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