No Longer Empty
Watch This Space
Opens September 24th, 2010 to October 23rd, 2010
Runs Thursday through Sunday, 12pm to 5pm
As a start to the Dumbo Arts Festival, No Longer Empty will be working with exteriors of buildings as well as mounting an exhibition in a vacant gallery space. United under the title of “Watch This Space”, both the exhibition and the mural works will allude to Dumbo’s industrial past as well as its current process of gentrification as the area remakes its image and purpose.
Working with the scaffolding, which surrounds the buildings in Dumbo, Chris Stain and Logan Hicks’s works will portray hauntingly photo realist images of New York crowds in gritty, urban scenery to elevate a sense of the working class hero.
In the gallery space at 55 Washington Street, NLE will be installing a site-specific exhibition, which unites the outdoors with the inner space again referencing the intensive construction of Dumbo in its march to gentrification. Artists to date include Alexandre Arrechea, Alejandro Almanza Pereda and Cal Lane.
Cal Lane creates “soft” or delicate images through “hard,” industrial tools. For instance, the artist has carved floral lace patterns into gardening shovels and car doors and carved intricate tapestries from oil drums.
The interdisciplinary quality of Alexandre Arrechea’s work reveals a profound interest in the exploration of both public and domestic spaces. He creates wry comments on the rapid expansion/demolition of cities mediating between the two impulses with his own push-pull sense of artistic negotiation.
Alehandro Almanza Pereda transforms the most basic objects from daily life or construction sites into poetic ruminations, which often seem to defy the laws of gravity. At once playful and conceptually strong, the viewer is compelled to see wood chips, crates, cinder blocks or florescent bulbs as aesthetic entities capable of transcendence.
Alexandre Arrechea
Alejandro Almanza Pereda
Michel de Broin
Logan Hicks
Cal Lane
Lincoln Schatz
Helen Dennis
Imminent Disaster
Jordan Seiler
Exhibition at 55 Washington Street, Suite 200
Murals on Plymouth, Main and Washington Streets Dumbo Brooklyn
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