Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.
Now screening :
1. The Reinvention of Normal: Dominic Wilcox
2. Rallitox: Chicken Murder on Williamsburg Street Corner
3. Abdel Maged Amara: LIES – The Street Walkers
4. Sbagliato in London Creates a False Hallway
5. Hitnes in Rome: Blind Eye Factory
The Reinvention of Normal: Dominic Wilcox
“By doing the ridiculous, something else might come of it,” says Dominic Wilcox, and we couldn’t agree more.
“Just off the wall. And that is what I’ve always encouraged in him.” says Dominic’s dad.
“I had this idea to come up with something creative every day for 30 days,” says the artist.
And this is how we all move forward.
Rallitox: Chicken Murder on Williamsburg Street Corner
Insert joke about hipsters here. Actually, this is Williamsburg – hipsters left a few years ago and only return to reminisce. Nonetheless this installation and the blasé reactions of the passive consumer class to Rallitox’s installation are illuminating. Please take your photo and move on.
Also interesting to note, Rallitox reports that a dead animal is cheaper than aerosol paint or markers for making art.
Abdel Maged Amara: LIES – The Street Walkers
Take a look at how to make a 3D Graffiti sculpture and then suspend it in what appears to be its natural environment.
Sbagliato in London Creates a False Hallway
Optical illusion is featured in this tease for upcoming Sbagliato project. Walk this way.
Hitnes in Rome: Blind Eye Factory
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