Yarn Bombing! Yarn Storming! Tell me another yarn.
Knitting and crocheting for the street is hardly new, but it is experiencing a great surge of interest right now – to the thrill of some who find it adorable and cute, and to the utter disgust of graffiti and Street Art dudes and dudettes who think it is all a trifle – not hardcore or STREET enough to be allowed up on walls and fences or on the, uh, STREET.
Also there are those mild-mannered fans who just think it is a cool thing to stumble upon some seemingly random hand knitted yarn things in a loud grimey underpass.
London Kaye (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Ah, but that is just the point isn’t it? Artists who put their work up in the public sphere don’t usually ask for anyone’s permission and London Kaye joins that ever-growing list of bad-ass bombers, even if they are ballerinas.
On a side note: Have you noticed ballet has been all the freaking rage for Street Art over the last year? Faile did their Pas de deux with the New York City Ballet last spring, JR is getting ready to mount his project with them presently, and this series of dancers climbed a fence sometime in mid-December. Remember our first picture of the year LAST year? It’s like it was a telepathic message from the street – a vast conspiracy of so-called HI and LOW culture. It’s just as well that ballet get a kick in the leotards; since it was becoming an art form enjoyed by a dwindling number of patrons who are clumped on both ends of the human timeline but few in between those core constituencies of 6 year olds and 600 year olds.
London Kaye (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Back to our main story; A genuine newcomer on the street scene, knitter London Kaye follows her own whims and subject matter – not just ballerinas. She actually did a pretty cool reinterpretation of one of Invader’s tile pieces just after his went up at the turn of November, and which we posted that week. She joins the Street Art scene like most do and did – an artist in her early 20s who is churning out new work almost daily, a relatively new type of “bomber” who just wants her stuff to be seen by as many passersby as possible – before it dances away.
London Kaye (photo © Jaime Rojo)
London Kaye (photo © Jaime Rojo)
London Kaye (photo © Jaime Rojo)
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