Piquing the public’s curiosity is a studied art. Dan Witz is now doing it darkly on Roman streets. It’s out in the open, but let’s keep it between us.
Dan Witz. “Public and Confidential” Rome, Italy 2013. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
The hyperrealist is in this two and a half-thousand year old city drilling and pasting little portholes onto porticos, with illusions and reflections of countenances looking at you from behind them. For Public and Confidential his new show at Wunderkammern, he spent some time in the streets, where he has made a name for himself by tripping the eye, flagellating your fears, popping into your periphery. With his tattooed tapestry wrapped like sleeves around his arms, the wizened Witz studiously attaches his windows to darkness while on canvas he continues in route to mastering light.
Dan Witz. “Public and Confidential” Rome, Italy 2013. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Dan Witz. “Public and Confidential” Rome, Italy 2013. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Dan Witz. “Public and Confidential” Rome, Italy 2013. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Dan Witz. “Public and Confidential” Rome, Italy 2013. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Dan Witz. “Public and Confidential” Rome, Italy 2013. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Dan Witz. “Public and Confidential” Rome, Italy 2013. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Dan Witz. “Public and Confidential” Rome, Italy 2013. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Dan Witz. “Public and Confidential” Rome, Italy 2013. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
Dan Witz. “Public and Confidential” Rome, Italy 2013. (photo © Giorgio Coen Cagli)
“Public and Confidential” opens today at the Wunderkammern Gallery in Rome. Click HERE for further details.
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