The Argentinian Street Artist named Ever was in Puerto Rico in October for the festival called “Los Muros Hablan” and here are images of him at work on the building-sized mural he completed, entitled “Liberation and Revolution”.
Ever (photo © Rosanna Bach)
Reality and a parallel multicolored low-tech hologram of it are seen as connected in this freeze frame, portraying a brief peek at the complexity of the life experience. Ever’s physical forms are full of blood rich life force, serving to intensify his kaleidoscopic depiction of the inner life, individual vision and our myriad abilities to perceive experience . When combined with a historical analogy or perhaps a philosophical message, on this scale, Ever’s work has the power to help a viewer contemplate their own perceptive abilities.
Special thanks to photographer Rosanna Bach for these exclusive images for BSA readers.
Ever (photo © Rosanna Bach)
Ever. Detail. (photo © Rosanna Bach)
Ever (photo © Rosanna Bach)
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