‘Wild At Heart: Keep Wildlife In The Wild’
Over 110 artists join forces to help bring awareness to our world’s endangered species
Co-curated by Andrew Hosner and Amanda Erlanson
20% of all proceeds go to Born Free USA
Reception with the artists: Sat, May 26th 5-9PM
On view May 26th through June 9th
Thinkspace is proud to present “Wild at Heart: Keep Wildlife in the Wild,” an exhibition to raise awareness about the precarious predicament of wild creatures around the world, and to benefit efforts to protect them in their natural habitat. Featuring a stellar cast of more than 110 artists from all corners of the art world, this exhibition brings together some of the most profound and innovative voices making art today. In recognition of the imperiled state of much of the world’s wildlife, each artist will apply their own unique perspective to our relationship with the fascinating creatures with whom we share our planet.
As the natural world becomes increasingly impacted by shifting climate, human greed and diminishing resources, protecting those creatures that still roam free becomes ever more vital to the soul of humanity. For even if we could continue to exist without wildlife, the spirit-crushing sadness that our species would take upon itself would surely rob all joy from life. Those majestic, miraculous, elemental beings which we admire from afar are at the root of who we are as people – from the woodland protagonists of our childhood storybooks, to the metaphors we use to describe ourselves as adults, to the animal spirits that visit us in our dreams. As we take steps to protect them from those who would rob them of their freedom, we also improve our own species’ chances to persist far into the future, both by preserving the natural world we all share, and by cherishing the sacred genesis of our imagination and symbology.
In appreciation of the magnificent creatures with whom we share the planet, Thinkspace will donate 20% of the sale price of each piece of art to Born Free USA and the Animal Protection Institute, which operate jointly as a non-profit organization that advocates worldwide for the ethical treatment and protection of wild animals, and also maintains a large sanctuary for rescued primates. To honor the animals closest to our hearts, the gallery will be accepting donations of old blankets to donate to area shelters so dogs don’t have to sleep on cold hard concrete, as well as other used and new pet supplies. The opening will feature the release of a gorgeous limited edition screenprinted poster especially created for the exhibition by the incomparable Aaron Horkey. We hope you will join us on May 26th to celebrate and defend the wild things that fill our lives with wonder and mystery.
Aaron Horkey http://jackywinter.com/rock-of-eye
Adam Caldwell www.adamhuntercaldwell.com
Ako Castuera http://thinging.wordpress.com
Allison Sommers www.allisonsommers.com
Amy Dover www.amydover.com/HOME.html
Amy Sol www.amysol.com
Ana Bagayan www.anabagayan.com
Andrea Offermann www.andreaoffermann.com
Andrew Hem www.andrewhem.com
Anthony Clarkson www.anthonyclarksonart.com
Aron Wiesenfeld www.aronwiesenfeld.com
ARYZ www.aryz.es
Asylm www.asylm.com
Ben Strawn www.whalefishstudios.com
Benjamin A. Vierling www.bvierling.com
Brad Woodfin www.bradwoodfin.com
Brooke Grucella www.phoenixartspace.com/members/504
Bumblebee www.flickr.com/photos/theuglyyou
Caitlin Hackett www.caitlinhackett.com
Catherine Brooks http://thearborgeistproject.tumblr.com
Chet Zar www.chetzar.com
Christina Mrozik http://christinamrozik.com
Craig “Skibs” Barker www.skibsart.com
DABS MYLA www.dabsmyla.com
DAL www.daleast.com
Dan Lydersen www.danlydersen.com
Dan-ah Kim www.dkim-art.com
Darla Jackson http://darlajacksonsculpture.com/home.html
David Jien www.davidjien.com
David MacDowell www.macdowellstudio.com
Derek Gores www.derekgores.com
Douglas Miller http://douglasmillerart.com/home.html
Drew Young http://dyoung.co
Edwin Ushiro www.mrushiro.com
Ekundayo www.ekundayo.com
Erik Siador www.eriksiador.com
Esao Andrews www.esao.net
Frank Gonzales www.frankgonzales.net
Fuco Ueda www.fucoueda.com
Fumi Nakamura www.miniminiaturemouse.com
GAIA http://gaiastreetart.com
Ghostpatrol www.ghostpatrol.net
Guy McKinley www.flavors.me/guymckinley
Henrik A. Uldalen www.henrikaau.com
Isaac Cordal http://isaac.alg-a.org/
Jacub Gagnon www.jacubgagnon.com
Jason Thielke http://jasonthielke.com
Jasper Wong http://radness.jasperwong.net
Jennifer Davis www.jenniferdavisart.com
Jeremy Hush http://hushillustration.blogspot.com
Jessamyn Patterson www.facebook.com/jessamyn.j.patterson
Jesse Hotchkiss www.jessehotchkiss.com
Jessica Joslin www.jessicajoslin.com
Jillian Ludwig www.jillianludwig.com
Joao Ruas www.feral-kid.com
John Brosio www.johnbrosio.com
John Malloy http://johnmalloy.com
Jolene Lai http://enelojial.com
Jonathan Wayshak www.scrapbookmanifesto.com/
Josie Morway www.josiemorway.com
Julie West www.juliewest.com
Katherine Brannock www.katherinebrannock.com
Kelly Allen http://kellyallen.com
Kelly Vivanco www.kellyvivanco.com
KiSung Koh http://www.kisungkoh.com/
Kikyz 1313 http://1313.mx
Know Hope http://thisislimbo.com
Laura Bifano www.laurabifano.com
Leontine Greenberg www.leontinegreenberg.com
Lindsey Carr www.littlerobot.org.uk
Linnea Strid www.linneastrid.se
Liqen http://liqen.tumblr.com
Lucrezia Bieler http://bieler-beerli.com/main
Luke Chueh www.lukechueh.com
Mari Inukai www.mariinukai.com
Martin Wittfooth www.martinwittfooth.com
Mary Iverson http://maryiverson.com
Matt Doust http://tinyurl.com/7l6qhc3
Matthew Grabelsky www.grabelsky.com
Megan Wolfe http://megwolfe.net
Mia Brownell www.miabrownell.com
Michael Ramstead http://michaelramstead.com
Mike Alvarez www.michaelalvarezart.com
Mike Brown www.michaelvbrown.com
Naoto Hattori www.wwwcomcom.com
Nimit Malavia www.nimitmalavia.com
Pakayla Biehn www.youshouldtakecare.com
Paul Barnes www.paul-barnes.com
Pedro Matos www.pedromatos.org
Phil Hale http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Hale
Philippe Baudelocque http://baudelocque.com
Rebekah Bogard www.rebekahbogard.com
Regan Rosburg www.reganrosburg.com
Reinier Gamboa www.reiniergamboa.com
Rob Sato www.robsato.com
Robert Proch www.robertproch.com
Rodrigo Cifuentes www.rodrigocifuentesotherness.blogspot.com
Rodrigo Luff http://artofrodrigo.blogspot.com
Rose Sanderson www.rosesanderson.com
Sarah Muirhead http://cargocollective.com/sarahmuirhead
Scott Belcastro www.scottbelcastro.com
Seamus Conley www.seamusconleystudio.com
Sean Chao www.seanchao.com
Sean Mahan www.seanmahanart.com
Shark Toof http://sharktoof.com
Sheryo http://sheryoart.tumblr.com/
Simon Prades www.simonprades.com/cms
Souther Salazar www.southersalazar.com
Stella Im Hultberg www.stellaimhultberg.com
Tasha Kusama www.tashakusama.com
Tessar Lo www.tessarlo.com
The Yok www.theyok.com
Timothy Karpinski http://timothykarpinski.com/
Tom Haubrick www.haubscomix.com
Wayne White www.waynewhiteart.com
White Cocoa http://dearcatherine.com
Xiau-Fong Wee www.xiaufong.com
Yosuke Ueno www.spaceegg77.com
Hours: Wednesday – Friday 1PM-6PM, Saturday 1PM -8PM
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