Joseph Meloy “Fiesta” (image © courtesy of Joseph Meloy)
If you’re in the mood for vibrant and uniquely personalized portraiture, rendered in bold post-graffiti style and composed with the eye of a Renaissance man, then come to the show and enjoy the classy and classic-meets-modern artwork that is FUMEROISM, courtesy of fine art painter FUMERO.
Fumero “Eyes” (image © courtesy of Fumero)
And if you enjoy futuristic cave paintings from an era that is right now, highly abstracted hieroglyphic land and cityscapes and maps and all kinds of wacked out post-graffiti-fine-art-Rorschach-Test-lookin’ goodness, then surely you will enjoy the artwork of JOSEPH MELOY and his special brand of VANDAL EXPRESSIONISM.
So come on out and have a good time and if you see something you really like, guess what, you can buy it and take it home with you so there you go. Free admission, top notch art to look at and to buy, a live DJ, uhh snacks, cool people and memories to last a lifetime! Maybe one day you’ll be telling your grandkids about how you were so cool back in the day because you were there for the opening party of the 90 STANTON STREET ART SHOW! On THURSDAY, JANUARY 12th!
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