Dan Witz “Dead Serious” : “Back Talk” Conversation



To introduce readers to some of the Street Artists in the upcoming show “Street Art Saved My Life: 39 New York Stories”, BSA asked a number of the artists to take part in “Back Talk” with one of our most trusted and underground and sweet sources for modern art, Juxtapoz.

Today we hear from Dan Witz.

Something you want the world to know about you: “Originally, back in the late 70’s, when I first started painting on the street, even though I was dead serious about it, I thought of street art as a sort of hobby, as something enjoyable I did for myself on the weekends. This is the real reason why I kept at it for all those years before street art became fashionable: not because I thought of myself as some kind of pioneer or anything, but because I was having so much fun.”


Dan Witz (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Read “Back Talk: A conversation with Dan Witz” on Juxtapoz: http://www.juxtapoz.com/Features/back-talk-a-conversation-with-dan-witz